Our Message - Green Solutions

Our Message - Green Solutions

WHEN YOU BUY TELLUSREM PRODUCTS - high quality refurbished laptop keyboards and IT and electronics, you help to deal with global overproduction, reducing the need for new production. You therefore make the environment a great service while benefitting your finances.

We are devoted and committed to you and to the noble cause of being a bridge to sustainable future.

Welcome and THANK YOU for, together with us, becoming an active player and part of the solution.  


We’ll be making our own contributions, and changing our practices to reduce our carbon footprint. We hope you’ll join us in creating a sustainable future, by choosing to CarbonClick with your purchase.

Here we would like to make our point

TellusRem message - Green Solutions

Our consumer society has been running crazy, the global population is growing by the second and we are turning the Earth’s resources into waste faster and faster, draining our planet - and it is not even making us happy…

Sick economy, based on and driven by excessive consumerism, unhealthy competition, misunderstood growth and expansion, overproduction and lack of mindful distribution, lack and absence of strategic maintenance and preservation, lack of vision and organization of healthy circulation and sustainability - have led to the following: 

We live in a time of great challenges. Something must be done about climate change, the biodiversity crises, extreme poverty, massive pollution, lack of fresh water supply, etc.  


To meet the current challenges – needs to be done:

  • “… today’s linear material flows must become circular through a combination of intelligent infrastructure and product design, standardization, reuse, recycling and remanufacturing”. – UN 2017 “Assessing Global Resource Use”. 

80 % of the lifetime carbon footprint of a computer comes from the initial production of the unit. -

"Consuming" used computers instead of new will:

Decrease resource-draining production of new units
Decrease electronic waste production

By offering / shopping high quality used, refurbished products, we / you help to deal with global overproduction, reducing the need for new production. We / you therefore make the environment a great service while benefitting our and each other's finances.


Choose TellusRem! Buy TellusRem Refurbished Laptop Replacement Keyboards!

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