REFURBISHED: Warranty, functionality, condition... Important tips for you who want to buy refurbished.

Questions to have answered before you click BUY.



1. What does “refurbished” stand for?  

Different companies and industries may have several types of ’refurbished’ products. Since the electronic industry doesn't have a widely accepted definition of refurbished, its exact meaning may vary from one product to the next or one company to the next. In various cases refurbished may be synonymous with reconditioned, refreshed, repaired, or like new. The term remanufacture is used as well, as a term for products that are returned to identical-to-new condition in industrial closed-loop processes, and often possess the same warranties and guarantees as a new product.

The main difference between refurbished and used products is that refurbished products have been tested and verified to function properly, and are thus free of defects, while used products may or may not be defective. Refurbished products may be unused customer returns that are essentially new items, or they may be defective products that were returned under warranty and resold by the manufacturer after repairing the defects and ensuring proper function.

Other types of products that may be sold as refurbished include:

  • Items used in field tests, sales displays, or demonstrations
  • Items returned for reasons other than defect and tested by the manufacturer
  • Items returned to the manufacturer because the box or item was damaged in shipping
  • Used items that have been donated to a charity or non-profit organization
  • Leftover equipment sold by a downsized company to a third-party refurbisher

    The following types of products are considered recycled and not necessarily refurbished:

    • Previously leased units that are returned and resold after the lease ends
    • Used electronics that have been returned to an electronic recycling program 
      1. Why buy refurbished laptop keyboards?

      Buying refurbished can be beneficial for you, your loved ones, and/or your organization for several reasons:

      Firstly, you are getting a quality product significantly cheaper than a new one - if you can live with the fact that it might have a few years or more behind it.

      Secondly, you can have a better conscience than when you buy a new keyboard because a refurbished keyboard burdens the climate to a much lesser degree.


      To ensure that your ‘new’ refurbished keyboard fits your needs, it is a good idea to check whether the product you are looking at matches your expectations and requirements.TellusRem and TellusRemShop have collected here three important questions (and answers) that you might want to ask before you click buy:

       1) Is there a warranty?

      A product must be able to do what it was designed for, even if it is sold refurbished, renewed, or recycled. And a warranty is important – so you can get support when you need it.

      TellusRem: All our keyboards are refurbished by TellusRem and quality tested in Denmark. We offer a 12-month warranty for any defect.

      TellusRem: All our keyboards are refurbished by TellusRem and quality tested in Denmark. We offer a 12-month warranty for any defect.

      2) What about compatibility: is the refurbished keyboard compatible with my laptop model?

      Just like with a new product, you must be sure that you are looking at the right model.

      TellusRem: Our keyboards are 100% compatible with the models mentioned in the description of a particular keyboard. Please check the picture and description carefully before purchasing any keyboard. This ensures that you get the correct laptop keyboard for your computer.  

      TellusRemall of our stock is of high quality (Grade A/A+), thoroughly tested by experts, and is fully functional - the grades only relate to the cosmetic condition, and we highlight this to match your expectations with the item you're looking to buy.

      3) Who has refurbished/renovated/remanufactured the keyboard?

       When buying a refurbished keyboard (or other devices), make sure to check if it has been refurbished and cleaned by a professional operator, as the quality of a refurbished product will depend on the source who reconditioned it. While the majority of refurbishers have the best intentions to inspect, clean, repair, and repackage items to the best possible condition, not every refurbisher manages to provide what customers expect. And you, as a consumer, should do your due diligence before buying.

      TellusRemWe have original genuine laptop keyboards that we buy from manufacturers for various reasons. Then we refurbish: clean, reprint, and quality control them before sending them to our storage carefully packed. 


      To sum up: 


      TellusRem offers on TellusRemShop perfect laptop replacement keyboards, which are 100% compatible with the models mentioned in the description of each refurbished Lenovo, Dell or HP keyboard.

      Search no longer, as this is your sweet spot and sweet deal, because great quality, smart prices and care for the environment meet here. Therefore, buy from TellusRemShop and save your time and money. As a result, you will be saving Earth resources.

      In TellusRemShop you’ll find top-quality refurbished replacement keyboards that look, feel, and work like brand new, but with a better price. Each and every keyboard is refurbished with precision and made to serve you longer. Therefore, tellusrem keyboard is guaranteed to give you a pleasant working experience. It arrives to you in an eco-friendly shockproof box. Then, all you have to do is replace your old keyboard and you are good to go – easy and comfortable! 


      Original genuine laptop keyboards / refurbished - 100% compatible with the models mentioned in each description
      Delivered to you in 1 - 5 days. All keyboards are packed in specially designed shockproof boxes.

      All keyboards are cleaned, replrinted and quality tested in Denmark, We offer a 12-month warranty for any defects.
      Reduce more than 80% carbon dioxide by buying our refurbished keyboards, compared to getting a new keyboard.
      With love for the planet

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